Payment and Check Out
Payment and check out. The total is the total of the items only. If being shipped to a Georgia address, sales tax must be added unless you provide a copy of your sales and use tax permit. Shipping will be advised. Please note any preferred shipping options (see the shipping page for basic types of shipping available). Once you complete your cart and “check out” the items will be reserved for you. You will be sent an invoice with the total due and payment instructions.
If in the U.S. or with a U.S. bank account you can use, the payment options are, in order of preference: (1) Zelle (the U.S. banks’ sponsored service for free direct account to account payments via send to email (sort of like paypal but no fees). (2) invoice which I will send and you can use a payment card to securely pay the amount on Stripe’s web site (Stripe is a service of Wells Fargo and one of the major payment card transaction facilitators in the U.S.). (3) In some situations I may accept U.S. postal money orders or your personal check. Note that these may add substantially to the time required to assure the payment clears before shipment.
If NOT in the U.S. and no U.S. bank account, the payment options are (1) invoice which I will send and you can use a payment card to securely pay the amount on Stripe’s web site (Stripe is a service of Wells Fargo and one of the major payment card transaction facilitators in the U.S.).

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